2024年度 講演会のお知らせ(SLA研究会主催)
【日時】 1月11日(土)14:00-15:30(日本時間)
【講演者】 Professor Eric Hauser, Univerity of Electro-Communications
【演題】 Longitudinal Research in CA-SLA: A Review
In this talk, I will focus on interactional longitudinal research, specifically work in Conversation Analysis for Second Language Acquisition (CA-SLA) that has taken a longitudinal approach. I start with a brief consideration of early (non-CA) interactional longitudinal research in SLA, primarily by Huebner and Sato, and consider what these studies can teach us both about how a second language is learned in and through interaction and how to do interactional longitudinal research. Then, adapting Sato’s classification of research into forms-only, form-to-function, and function-to-form approaches, I review CA-SLA work that can be classified as semiotic-resources-only (i.e., how a particular semiotic resource starts to be used and how its use changes over time), semiotic-resources-to-practices (i.e., how a particular resource comes to be used in a wider range of practices), and practices-to-semiotic-resources (i.e., how a particular practice comes to be accomplished through a wider range of semiotic resources). I then expand the scope of my review to consider research that has investigated participants’ orientations to learning objects, or learnables, over time and research that has shown changes over time in how members of a particular group collaboratively construct their interaction. Finally, I briefly discuss what longitudinal research in CA-SLA has contributed to our understanding of how languages are learned in and through interaction and to its future potential contributions.
Eric Hauser received his doctorate in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa in December, 2003. He has taught English as a regular faculty member at the University of Electro-Communications since April, 2003. He has also taught classes at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, including a class on Second Language Acquisition. The majority of his research falls within what has come to be called Conversation Analysis for Second Language Acquisition (CA-SLA), which involves using CA to study second language learning and other issues of interest within SLA. This research has focused on interaction involving L2 users of English. He has also conducted research on the use of gesture in interaction and on interaction in Japanese. He is currently involved in two research projects, one on interaction in an English-village educational institution called Tokyo Global Gateway and another on service interaction within a university self-access learning center. He is, along with Dr. Tim Greer of Kobe University, an organizer of the annual CAN Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction. He is formerly Associate Editor and Editor of JALT Journal and is currently Associate Editor of Linguistics and Education.
For published papers and a selection of other work, visit Eric Hauser’s profile on Academia:
Or his profile on Google Scholar:
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2024年度 講演会のお知らせ(SLA研究会主催)
【日時】 12月21日(土)14:00-15:30(日本時間)
【講演者】 石原 紀子先生(法政大学)
【演題】 「国際語としての英語の語用論的指導:グローバル時代の多文化間交流に向けて」
文法や発音は正しくても、文化や状況に沿ったことばの使い方ができなければ相手を傷つけたり怒らせたりしてしまうことがある。社会文化的コンテクストをわきまえ、文化的背景をふまえて適切に外国語を使用するためには、言語・文化的多様性や流動性の理解が必要となるが、そのような微妙な語用論的ことばの使い方はどのように習得・指導できるのだろうか。またグローバル化が進み、日常的に多言語を使い分けながら生活する多言語主義が広がる今日、モノリンガリズムや母語話者主義を超えたトランスリンガリズムを目標とするのであれば、そのような語学教育はどのようなものとなり得るのか。本講演では、明示的語用論的指導の例や考え方を紹介するとともに、Taguchi & Ishihara (2018) および Ishihara (2024) ほかに基づき、グローバルな文脈を前提とした多言語語用論の指導における原則や例を提案する。多言語アイデンティティーや主体性、そして多言語話者のハイブリディティを念頭に置いた語用論的指導の可能性について、参加者とともに考える。
早稲田大学教育学部英語英文学科・ミネソタ大学英語教育学科修士課程修了後、同大学院にて第二言語文化教育専攻、応用言語学(カリキュラム・インストラクション)博士。ミネソタ大学教育学部講師、アメリカン大学大学院英語教育学科助教授を経て、現在は法政大学市ヶ谷リベラル・アーツ・センターおよび経営学部教授。神田外語大学大学院英語教育学科およびミネソタ大学 Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) にて講師。多文化交流において自ら体験した失敗や困難をふまえ、多文化理解や語用論的指導、語学教員養成、多文化アイデンティティーなどを専門分野とする。近年は、モノリンガリズムや母語話者主義でないトランスリンガリズムを目指した語用論的指導や多文化アイデンティティー、航空英語の語用論における(イン)ポライトネスと意味の交渉、言語的正義、多様性・公平性・インクルージョン(DEI)や平和教育を念頭に置いた Peace Linguisticsの概念を採り入れた語学教育について学んでいる。書籍にTeaching and Learning Pragmatics: Where Language and Culture Meet, 2nd ed. (Routledge, 2022)、『多文化理解の語学教育 語用論的指導への招待』(研究社, 2015年)など。論文はModern Language Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Language Awareness, Multilingua, Journal of Pragmatics, Systemなどに寄稿。
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2024年度 ワークショップのお知らせ(SLA研究会主催)
【日時】 8月17日(土)14:00-15:30(日本時間)
【講演者】 Pino CUTRONE先生(長崎大学)
【演題】 「Bridging the Gap: Putting Theory into Action for Effective Communication in Japanese EFL Students」
There is ample evidence to suggest that speaking is the most challenging skill for Japanese EFL learners (JEFLs) to master. This difficulty often stems from (and results in) JEFLs’ reluctance to speak English. This hesitancy not only impedes JEFLs’ progress in spoken English but also creates potential for misunderstandings across cultures. In addressing this important issue, the presenter examines the research literature towards developing instructional methods to help JEFLs develop their oral proficiency. To this end, the presenter will focus on two areas of analysis.
In the first part, the presenter will shed light on the promise that task-based language teaching (TBLT) holds in helping JEFLs improve their speaking skills. In the second part, the presenter will attempt to provide a rationale and framework for the explicit teaching of aspects of pragmatic competence associated with Listenership (and conversational skills). By examining the effectiveness of TBLT and the importance of pragmatic competence in listenership, this presentation aims to contribute to the development of more effective teaching methods designed to aid JEFLs in their quest for oral proficiency.
Pino Cutrone is an Associate Professor in the School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences at Nagasaki University. His research agenda involves bringing together a wide variety of his interests in applied linguistics to address issues that affect Japanese EFL/ESL learners. Specifically, with a focus on spoken discourse, his research is concentrated on answering questions framed in the following areas: intercultural pragmatics, sociocultural influences on language use, motivation, second language acquisition, and pedagogical interventions. He has published widely in the field of applied linguistics and intercultural pragmatics.
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